Kickstarter Rewards: 50% Off Advertising!

One of the great things about so many Kickstarter campaigns is that they offer great rewards that can’t be found anywhere else. When we were structuring our campaign, a lot of planning and thought went into the rewards we chose to offer. We think that offering businesses that pledge to our campaign a 50% discount off our regular ad rates is a really amazing deal!

Equestrian Culture's Kickstarter Rewards

So, how does this all work? What do you need to do to get your business in on this great opportunity?

Here is a list of our regular ad rates vs. our discounted ad rates available through our Kickstarter rewards:

Quarter Page Ad:
Regular Rate: $100
Kickstarter Rate: $50
Half Page Ad:
Regular Rate: $200
Kickstarter Rate: $100
Full Page Ad:
Regular Rate: $400
Kickstarter Rate: $200
Inside Front Cover/
Back Cover Ad:

Regular Rate: $1,000
Kickstarter Rate: $500

We are also offering a very special full year advertising package through this Kickstarter campaign. This is really an amazing deal! For just $1,000, your business will receive full page ad spaces in the next 5 issues we publish!

All ads purchased through our Kickstarter campaign also come with a free copy of our Holiday Issue!

Kickstarter Campaign Ad Rates

How do you reserve one of these discounted ads?

Equestrian Culture's Kickstarter CampaignAll ads placed in the Holiday Issue, our first printed issue, must be purchased through our Kickstarter campaign. There will be 2,500 copies of the Holiday Issue printed and the magazine will also be available as a digital download.

To pledge to the campaign and reserve one of our limited number of discounted ad spaces, visit our campaigns page: ().

Once there, click on the green “Back This Project” button. You will be taken to another page with a list of all of the available rewards. Scroll down through the list to find the ad size you would like to reserve.

There are only 10 ads of each size available and only 5 advertising packages available. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at and we will get right back to you.

All artwork/ad designs for ads reserved through the campaign are due on November 1st. Ad artwork must be 300dpi in resolution. Quarter page ads are 5.5″ tall by 4.25″ wide. Half page ads are 5.5″ tall by 8.5″ wide and full page ads are 11″ tall by 8.5″ wide. Please send all completed ad artwork to . The team at Equestrian Culture can also provide ad design services for you!

Thank you for supporting our Kickstarter campaign!

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